This ensemble originally started out as a trio consisting of Lena Willemark, Karin Nakagawa and bass guru Anders Jormin, who released their album “Trees of Light” on ECM in 2015. The album received rave reviews and the trio were subsequently awarded a Swedish Grammy for their masterpiece.
The trio performed three wonderfully unique concerts at Maijazz 2017, resembling a mini tour along the stunning Jæren coastline. At the time, Stavanger Aftenblad wrote the following:
“A moment of tranquillity by the sea”.
“A fantastic instrument from Japan has joined forces with a Swedish travel companion in a series of concerts by the sea”.
“Folk music tones from Sweden blend seamlessly with Japanese sounds. The result is both beautiful and atmospheric.”
Fast forward to 2024, and to Utstein Kloster as the location for this unique music. It is set to be another fascinating musical journey, where Nakagawa’s masterful playing of the Japanese harp, known as the koto, meets Willemark’s fiddle- playing and vocals in Elfdalian, a North Germanic language spoken in the Swedish region of Dalarna, along with Jormin’s characteristically flowing bass tones.
On their latest album, entitled “Pasado En Claro” and released by ECM, the trio has been extended to form a quartet. In comes drummer Jon Fält, a musician known extremely well by Jormin after playing together for many years in the Bobo Stenson Trio. Now featuring as a quartet, but with the same way of thinking and the same approach – folk music tones melting with jazz yield fabulous music with a unique ring, resonating with both the past and the future. A winning premise which feels accessible, close, and with a warmth one can sense on one’s skin.
Karin Nakagawa – on koto, Lena Willemark – on fiddle, Anders Jormin – on bass, Jon Fält– on drums.
Mark: This concert is not included in the festival pass (Maipazz).